Fix:Defense:Motion Blur in Maya: 1. Render settingsTry using Maya software instead of Arnold for Toon.Idle:Fix head nod in the beginning and movement of eyes.Turn head and shoulders more (exaggerate).Attack:Twist hand more at impact of punch.Blink faster.Black flash between loops.Walk:Make head bob slighter. Hips go up, Head goes down.Fix contact pose. Hips pulled up too high.
Also fix lowpoly look.
Check if material has a connected texture
Motion Blur in Maya: 1. Render settings
Try using Maya software instead of Arnold for Toon.
Fix head nod in the beginning and movement of eyes.
Turn head and shoulders more (exaggerate).
Twist hand more at impact of punch.
Blink faster.
Black flash between loops.
Make head bob slighter. Hips go up, Head goes down.
Fix contact pose. Hips pulled up too high.
Also fix lowpoly look.
DeleteCheck if material has a connected texture